At Atman Spa, we pride ourselves on offering an unparalleled experience that seamlessly blends luxury with the ancient wisdom of Ayurveda. Step into our sanctuary of serenity and embark on a journey of relaxation, revitalization, and holistic wellness.
Blissful Rejuvenation Therapies at Atman
Abhyangam | Shirodhara | Pizhichil| Siro Abhyangam | Mukha Abhyangam | Siro Ksheeradhara | Pada Abhyangam
Beauty Therapies at Atman
Body Therapies - Udvartanam | Sarvanga
Ksheeradhara | Navarakizhi
Face Therapies - Varnya Facial|
Navara Facial | Akshi Dhara
Head Therapies - Takradhara |
Healing Therapies at Atman
Podi Kizhi | Kashaya Dhara | Kati Vasti | Kati Abhyangam | Janu Vasti | Greeva Vasti | Nasyam | Dhanyamla Kizhi | Tarpanam
At Atman Spa, authenticity is at the heart of everything we do. We source the highest quality ingredients for our oils and herbs, ensuring that each treatment is infused with the purest essence of nature. Our skilled therapists undergo rigorous training in traditional Ayurvedic techniques, ensuring that every massage, facial, and wellness ritual is performed with precision and expertise.
Treat yourself to the ultimate indulgence and discover the timeless beauty of holistic wellness at Atman Spa.